Releases and planned work

Release Notes – v4.0.5

Submitted March 7, 2025

More ways to add links

  • Import now supports 10 new formats in addition to Session Buddy backup files, including plain lists of URLs, indented lists of collections, folders, and links, JSON, CSV, and free-form text. The applied format is automatically detected.
  • Links can now be added to a collection from text in any of the newly-supported formats, either typed, pasted, or from a dropped file. Opening multiple tabs from text is similarly supported.

More export formats

  • Collections can now be exported as URLs, title/URL pairs, JSON, or CSV. More formats to be added soon, including HTML and Markdown.


  • Import now allows pasting of text in addition to dropping files.
  • Backup has been added as a new action in the gear menu to distinguish this use case (safeguarding data and facilitating re-install) from Export (sharing collections with other apps).


  • Fixed a bug preventing folders from opening as windows in some multi-monitor scenarios.
  • The content pane is now properly focused after selecting duplicates.
  • Fixed a Mac issue preventing Control+click to register as a right-click on link selections.
  • Added automatic detection, notification, and repair of data anomalies caused by external processes such as disk cleaners that resulted in collections or history events failing to display correctly.
  • Added a workaround for a browser bug resulting in occasional empty values being saved, which in turn prevented events from displaying properly. Shout out to Jake Radcliff for helping troubleshoot this one.
  • Upgraded to latest version of Dexie to automatically recover from transaction and write operation failures due to Chrome IndexedDB bugs.