Session Buddy supports the representation of links and tabs in a variety of text formats that can be used to import collections, add links to collections, or open many tabs at once.

A format can also be selected when exporting collections.

Importing, adding links, and opening tabs

You can import, add links to collections, or open tabs in any of the formats listed below.

The format is automatically detected when text is pasted or a file is dropped, but it can also be explicitly selected with the Format dropdown.


When Free-form is selected, Session Buddy attempts to extract URLs from arbitrary text using pattern matching.

Free-form is technically not a format, as it represents text lacking any formatting rules.

When format detection is turned on but no known format is matched, format selection defaults to Free-form.


A flat list of URLs.

Every non-blank line must be a URL.

Blank lines are ignored.

Title/URL pairs

A flat list of URLs with titles.

Each title/URL pair must have a non-blank title followed by a valid URL on the next line.

Each pair must be separated by at least one blank line.

Groups of URLs

A flat list of URLs.

A non-blank line must be a URL.

Every continuous list of URLs defines a group; blank lines create new groups (either folders or windows).

Named groups of URLs

Similar to Groups of URLs, but every continuous list of URLs must be preceded by a group name.

A group name must be separated from the previous group by a blank line and followed by a blank line.

Named groups of title/URL pairs

Like Named groups of URLs, but each group is a list of blank-line-separated title/URL pairs.

Indented groups of URLs

Capable of representing collection/folder/link hierarchies. Folder names must have consistent indentation. Links must be consistently double-indented.

Indented groups of title/URL pairs

Like Indented groups of URLs, but for title/URL pairs.


Fully-structured collections.


A tabular representation of URLs with optional collection and/or folder grouping.

Recognizes the following columns. Every column is optional except URL.

  • Collection (the collection’s name)
  • Folder (the folder’s name)
  • URL (required)
  • Title
  • FavIconURL
  • Pinned (“true” or “false”)
  • Active (“true” or “false”)
  • GroupId (must be a number)


You can currently export collections in the following formats:


Flat list of URLs.

Title/URL pairs

Flat list or titles and URLs, separated by a blank line.

Indented groups of URLs

Hierarchical representation of URLs, with collection names at the top level, folder names once-indented, and URLs twice-indented.

Indented groups of title/URL pairs

Same as Indented groups of URLs, except that links have both titles and URLs.


Fully-structured collections.


A tabular representation of tabs or links with collection and folder groupings.