Session Buddy Privacy Policy

Updated March 20, 2025


We understand and deeply appreciate that Session Buddy’s value depends critically on safeguarding our user’s data. All decisions made during the course of development are considered first and foremost with an emphasis on security and data protection. We constantly evaluate our code, architecture, processes, and the systems we rely on to ensure that the trust you have in our ability to preserve your privacy is never compromised.

This privacy policy is designed to help you understand what information is collected by Session Buddy, how it is used, and the options available to you related to the collection, use, and access of this information.

Information Collected and Received

The information collected by Session Buddy is limited to the following.

Support Requests

When you contact us with a support request, we may ask for information to aid in our troubleshooting efforts. This might include diagnostics or the Session Buddy data folders residing on your device. We can only access this data if you explicitly send it to us.

While support correspondence may be archived indefinitely, any user data attached to such correspondence or otherwise furnished during the course of troubleshooting is promptly deleted after the support issue has been resolved. At no point is any of this data shared with a third party or used for any purpose other than to aid in the resolution of your support request.

Information NOT Collected or Received

We do not collect or receive any personally identifiable data such as names, addresses, or birth dates.

Session Buddy does not transmit or store data to any external services. The links you save in Session Buddy and all Session Buddy settings are stored locally on your device only.

Accessing Your Data

Session Buddy stores your collections, history, and settings in files that exist only on your device. To locate these files, see: Locate Session Buddy Data on Your Device.

You can export collections in a variety of formats or back up your collections and history for safe-keeping. See: Import and Export, Backup and Restore, or Back Up and Restore Local Data.

Because your Session Buddy data is stored only on your device, it is strongly recommended that you back up often to protect it from loss (e.g., due to hardware or software failure). Additionally, it’s a good idea in general to use a scheduled system backup solution to protect the data you care about on your local drive.

Extension Permissions

What Session Buddy is Allowed To Do

Session Buddy requests the following permissions from the browser in order to allow it to perform its core functions. In Google Chrome, these permissions can be viewed by opening Session Buddy’s extension settings page at chrome://extensions/?id=edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko.

Read your browsing history

This permission is required to allow Session Buddy to list and save the titles and URLs of open tabs.

This permission DOES NOT allow Session Buddy to read the content of web pages you visit or any information that you type into forms on web pages.

Display notifications

Not currently in use. This permission was used to display a “Current session saved” notification when saving a collection via the browser’s web page context menu.

This permission IS NOT used to display any notifications not directly related to the functions of Session Buddy.

Modify data you copy and paste

This permission is used to copy tabs or links to your clipboard when you use the Copy feature (through a menu or a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl+c). It is also used during Export when you opt to copy exported collections instead of saving them to a file.

This permission DOES NOT allow Session Buddy to read the clipboard. That would require a separate explicit permission to “Read data you copy and paste”.

What Session Buddy is NOT Allowed To Do

Session Buddy cannot read the content of any web pages you visit or any information you type into forms on a web page. This would require an explicit site access permission that Session Buddy does not request.

Session Buddy cannot read the contents of your system clipboard. That would require a separate explicit permission to “Read data you copy and paste”.

Session Buddy cannot see tabs in incognito windows unless you opt into Allow in Incognito on its extension settings page (chrome://extensions/?id=edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko).

By default, Session Buddy cannot open incognito or local file links (links that have URLs starting with file:///). To enable this, you must opt into the appropriate permission on the extension settings page at chrome://extensions/?id=edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko. See Tab Open Permissions for details.

Chrome Web Store Privacy Disclosures

Session Buddy’s Chrome Web Store profile declares the handling of four categories of information.

Google does not currently allow extension authors to select finer-grained privacy categories or provide a way to elaborate on these disclosures within the Chrome Web Store. Below you will find an explanation for why Session Buddy includes each of these categories.

Personally identifiable information

We provide a way for users to email us directly for support requests. This category covers the fact that this provides visibility of a sender’s email address and potentially their name.

Financial and payment information

We have to include this category because we provide a way for users to send us donations.

Authentication information

This category provides coverage for future premium features, such as cloud storage, that will require users to create logins.

Web history

Storing links is part of the core feature set of Session Buddy. As such, we have to include this category even if that information is only stored locally on your device.

Changes to this Statement

Any future changes to Session Buddy’s features that affect the transmission, storage, sharing, use, or access of personal data will be clearly outlined in updated versions of this privacy policy and communicated to you either within Session Buddy’s interface or via email if you have opted in to these types of notifications.

For example, there are plans to introduce cloud storage and sync features which intrinsically require extended data protection measures. Where feasible and applicable, such features will be made available strictly on an opt-in basis.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or our practices, please contact us at