Session Buddy stores collections and history in folders on your device. To find them, see Locate Session Buddy Data on Your Device.

In most cases there will be two folders, but if you don’t have many collections there may be only a single folder.

It’s recommended that you include these folders in your system backups for an extra layer of protection (in addition to regularly backing up through Session Buddy’s Backup/Restore feature).

It may also be necessary to manually back up these folders during troubleshooting in case Session Buddy won’t open.

Back up local data

To set up automated local data backups, ensure that the data folder paths are included in your scheduled system backups (Windows Backup, Time Machine, or a third-party backup solution).

To manually back up local data, use Windows’s File Explorer or Mac’s Finder to copy the data folders to a safe location, such as a Documents folder, Dropbox, or an external drive.

Restore local data

To restore Session Buddy data using data folders recovered from a backup, follow the steps below.

Please note that for successful restoration, the entire contents of the data folders must be restored.

Also note that these steps will replace all Session Buddy data. If you currently have collections and history that you want to keep, use Session Buddy’s Backup to first back them up and then Restore them after completing these steps.

1. Backup Current Data: Create a backup to ensure you have a copy of any collections or history created since the incident. Go to Session Buddy’s gear menu, then select “Backup“.

2. Close the Browser Completely: Ensure all browser processes are terminated

On Windows: Close all browser windows. Then check the tool tray for the browser icon. If it is present, right-click it and click “Exit“.

On macOS: Press Cmd+Q to quit the browser. Then check the Dock for the browser icon. If it’s still there, right-click and choose “Quit” if available.

3. Access Session Buddy Data Folders: Navigate to the location where Session Buddy’s data is stored using Windows’s File Explorer or Mac’s Finder

4. Replace Data Folders: Delete the existing data folders, then copy in the recovered folders in their entirety

As a safer alternative to deletion, you can move the existing folders to another location like Documents or rename them by appending something like “-backup”.

5. Restart the Browser: Launch your browser and confirm that your Session Buddy collections and history have been successfully restored

6. Restore Recent Data: Use the Restore feature to re-import any data backed up in step 1