Have a suggestion, question, or problem?
Check out the links below. Chances are you’ll find what you need.
- First Steps
- Known Issues
- Console
- Diagnostics
- Back Up and Restore Local Data
- Locate Session Buddy Data on Your Device
- Locate the Current Chrome Profile Folder
- Troubleshooting Export
- Mac Keyboard Shortcut Bug
- Backup and Restore
- Back Up and Restore Local Data
- Understanding and Preventing Data Loss
- Data Safeguards
- Missing Data
Older versions
- Session Buddy v3 Deprecation Announcement
- Session Buddy Browser Compatibility Announcement
- Restore Session Buddy v3 Data
- Locate Session Buddy v3 Data on Your Device
- Session Buddy v4 FAQ for v3 Users
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us know.
We read every message we receive, but we may not always be able to respond to all of them. Inquiries not already addressed in our support documents are the most likely to receive responses.